Saturday, February 26, 2005

enriched sidebar

I've added a 'good causes' section to the sidebar. I'll be putting up some more stuff on my actual website soon, but first I'm gonna go skiing again, with my family this time.
We're going to a place called Are, in the North of Sweden. We'll be taking a long-distance sleeper tran there. I haven't been on a sleeper train since... a long time ago... on an Amtrak train. I wonder how Amtrak is doing after they went bankrupt, or almost did. did they ever go bankrupt? I don't remember...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Site Updates

updated my site lots, no it actually has a little bit of content...

Monday, February 21, 2005

first computer job

got my first real computer tech support job today. the problem was a broken power button mechanism. an old computer, Win98, no network card so I couldnt run any cleanup programs on it. Since I couldn't clean the file system, I vaccumed out the inside instead.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Fixed links

interesting... none of the 90 people who have been here have pointed out that the 'links' section in the sidebar didn't work. it's fixed now, and I added a new site that I found,

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I'm back!

Got back from the ski trip on Sunday, but I've been too swamped with projects due this week and the next to do any blogging, axcept to answer one of Paul's comments.
on other fronts, I opened up a dead hard drive. I should be putting up a gallery of photos somewhere, but as I said, I've got a coupla projects to work on.
I also got a new MP3 player to replace the broken one. i took a while for them to send the replacement and even longer for us to get it through our mail system. and now the Random function isn't working.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Laser Tag Party

I went to a birthday party today for a member of my swim team.
we played a "Lazer Game" and it was very fun, though I didn't do as well as I have at other places in the past. I had the highest "hit averages" but not nearly the highest score, probably because I was on defense most of the time(200 points a hit), and not out scoring on the other base(1000 points a hit).

I've got plenty of homework to do before the ski trip on Thursday.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

my server'll be down for a while while I test some hard drives.

ok, it's back up.

interior is to exterior as
inferior is to exferior

SAT scores

I got my SAT scores:
total 1350

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I've put up some new tattered shreds on my site here.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Yoda Animation!

normal day at school, 4 people absent, band practice after school.
found out that I'm going on a ski trip next week.

put up new image for pianoplayerontheroof. I did this one a while ago, but 'Hello' didn't let me upload it cause its an animation.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

new Photoshop. Agent Smith

Agent Smith gets a boxing glove.
With fingers.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.
More specifically,here.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I have put up(at least temporarily) the Student Newsletters from this year!
oh yeah, and I set up an FTP server to put them on. I think it works...

Quote of the Day:
"The best way to deal with peer pressure is to give in to it"

another Iceberg with Tuxes

did this one quickly before school too.
I'm gonna try serving this one on my server. we'll see how it works.