Enjoying my christmas present
_warning-geeky post_
For Christmas this year, I got a new 19" LCD with the same resolution as my laptop monitor: 1440x900. Now that it's finally arrived, I have the two monitors side-by-side, and have certainly been enjoying the benefits. I'm not sure about the 'increased productivity' thing yet, I haven't really gotten over the fact that its there enough to do any actual work. Anyway, It's really cool. This is my current setup, which I just figured out today:
It may look suspiciously like two completely separate computer screens pasted together, but that's because it is.
Kind of.
Here's what's going on:
on the right screen, I have my normal computer stuff: pretty background, taskbar on the right(where I like it on my laptop), OSX-style access bar at the bottom (courtesy of RK Launcher).
On the left screen, I have 19 inches of beautiful, clean real estate where I can put anything I want. At the moment, the entire left screen is dedicated to a remote desktop connection to my server in the other room. That way, I'm managing a backup of files on the server (or editing my website, or doing anything else on the server) from my laptop while still having a free screen to work on. With a single click, I can minimize the remote desktop connection and I once again have an empty space to keep extra windows or extend big ones:

So far, here are my top 3 uses for my dual-screen config:
3. listening to/watching Steve Jobs' IPhone speech full-screeon while checking e-mails, news, etc on the other screen
2. Writing an essay on one screen while researching on the other
1. extending my FL Studio(music program) layout across two screens -- very luxurious
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