Wednesday, June 22, 2005

in Virginia

I'm on vacation in the USA right now, which is why I haven't written anything here or worked on my website in the last week or so. I was going to post something the before I left, but packing got in the way and I really didn't feel like it until it was too late.

anyway, my mom and I have been touring around a little to see the usual suspects: Grandma Blanche in Florida, the old (gold) friends and the other Grandma in Northern VA. Grandma Blanche was glad to see us, as usual, and attempted to shove large quantities of food into us, also as usual. Mom and I had a couple of good morning visits to the beach there.

On whateverdayitwas, we flew up here to VA, had dinner and stayed at Lauren's house for the night, and I went with Lauren to school the next day. Came back from school on a gool 'ol, big 'ol American-style yellow school bus. During the course of that paragraph, we met up with the other friends & buddies there and had fun.

I wish I couold put more detail in there... maybe I'll have time to do that later. probably not.

Anyway, now we're at Grandma Jan's house, and I'm typing this on her WebTV. Now I'm gonna go do something else, including packing my backpack for TA(Teen Adventure), the hiking camp that I'm going to for the next 3 weeks.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Haven't posted in a while, not because nothing interesting happened, but just because too much was happening. I couldn't decide what to post about. so now that I'm off school, I'll try to put up a little about everything.

-Fabian's birthday party was last Friday. we went to the same lasergame place that we went to for my party. There were only about 14 people there, but it was still really fun. I had the top score in both games, which I can attribute to having gone there 3 times in the last few months, and therefore learned almost all of the rules.

-another sports day at school. this time the main event was a relay race on a 2.7 Km cross-country course(CCC). there were 4 people on a team, and each runner did the whole course once, a total of 10.8 km. Running was fun, but we were there for the whole school day and there wasn't much to do in the reamining hours. Working together, most of us were able to keep ourselves busyish.

-The next day was the last day of school. big ceremony in the church, and my class and I attempted to perform some music, not succeeding very well. My brother graduted from a different school on the same day, and rode on a truck around the city (a Swedish tradition).

-Caroline and Laura's birthday party was yesterday. We had a good time, but it'll probably be the last time that most of our class is together.

That's all for now, except:
Happy birthday, Anna!

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Don is dying today. He has been one of my best friends ever since we met, about 10 years ago. He's such a smart guy, always funny, generous, and playful. Ready to accept anything interesting and have the more interesting to give, especially in ideas and fun.
All of us were surprised to find out about your brain tumors. You put up a good fight, always keeping your humor with you. You have undoubtedly left a priceless addition to numerous fields of research, just as you have added to my life and the lives of those around you. just as you are about to leave a gap in them. We will all miss you. Nobody knows why this had to happen to you. You're just too perfect, i guess.
Both my mom and I thought we were done crying for you. but we're not. I don't know if we'll ever be.
I'm sorry I won't be able to see you, Don. I hope you are not in any pain. we will remember you forever, Don. we will remember you.