Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Back in Stockholm

I've written this post once already, but it seems to have fallen into the void, possibly because I turned my computer off while writing it. duh.
anyway, I'm back 'home' after a wonderful vacation, which I will not elaborate on further at the moment, as i don't feel the urge to rewrite it at the moment.
Basically, it consisted of 4 sections:
+ a few days in Florida
+ a week or so in Virginia (my real 'home'. didn't want to leave, even though I knew that the next section was...)
+ 3 weeks at backpacking, canoing, climbing camp(totally AWESOME)
+ a week at the beach in NC!
+ aaand back here.
We arrived here yesterday morning, and my Brör and I were able to watch the shuttle launch, marking the NASA's and the Shuttle's "return to spaceflight" after a long and, in my opinion, largely unneccessary delay. Now it's time of NASA to sink further into this 'mission to Mars' BS(<--that's Bush, not Bull.) Instead of attempting to come up with a vehicle worthy of travel to the moon, and then to mars and back, NASA has sent out a plea to private companies to come up with one, thus saving NASA's butt.
I'd better stop typing this or I'll slip off of my home ground and into politics...